
The World Of The Unnaturals (Prologue)

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In this world, there were people who had powers and ones who didn’t. People who did though would get tested on. Not all of them though. Sometimes those with powers would do “superhero” stuff like saving people. This was a job to them. They helped with aliens and big mafia bosses in which regular people couldn’t handle. They were also the best firefighters and police officers. But soon people were against these strange other people. They had called them unnaturals, saying that the world didn’t need them because they were unnatural. They were saying how unfair they were treated. They saw that they were losing jobs and lost their homes when the “supers” would stop bad guys. Many unnaturals were angered by this, for they do a lot of hard work. They were saving thousands of people’s lives with their work and these people were mad at them! After years of arguments, the unnaturals were treated like second class citizens. They were paid less than “regular” people and many of them got fired because companies wanted room for regulars.
The supers started to care less about the destruction, and soon they stopped keeping the planet safe. Without safety, the government had to let them back and give their jobs back. After that though, the regulars had enough. They started a war against the unnaturals and with their numbers they would win battles. Sometimes, regulars would bribe the supers to help them with the war by endangering their families and promising money.  The war went on for years killing millions.
One day, someone in the government decided that unnaturals were not needed in the world. They wanted to kill every single one of them. Some the government officials were with the idea, for a lot of them were regulars, or people who didn’t have powers. They started to not care where the battles were, they would just bomb it. This killed many of the unnaturals, but also killed more of their troops. With that they killed innocent people who were near the battle grounds, and soon the world was just dust.  The unnaturals in the government decided to put a stop to it and threaten the other officials. The others didn’t care, so they killed the regulars, but one. No one knows why, and some say they’ll never know.  With all the others gone they had to come to a compromise, but they were killed by a regular. The last one left, the one who didn’t get killed, had to make a decision.
They deiced to end the war with peace, but things wouldn’t go away. They  had to completely control the unnaturals. The government official told the unnaturals that if they agreed to them, they would live a happy life and be away from regulars. Of course, they agreed, but they didn’t read it all. On the document it said that if they used their powers people will be able to kill them. They couldn’t use their powers at all and all the criminals during or before the war would either die or get tested on by the government.  The government would place your family somewhere safe. If you’re an orphan in the program you could go to a family with powers or go with a regular family willing to take care of you. As for the government official, they made an antidote to get rid of powers forever. It was an injection made into the bloodstream. Many unnaturals bought it, finding out what they agreed on. Many of them died due to allergic reactions and diseases they had. At this time other government officials were made and one of them made an antidote to the antidote created, for some of the new regulars regretted turning.
Over the year people started getting use to the world of how it was now. The unnaturals were treated as second class citizens and there were more criminals with powers than ever. Even though these things happened, people forgot about the time when the regulars and unnaturals were in peace. People only knew about war and nothing else. It has been years since that time. But something is rising and it’s up to Renaye and her friends to fix it.
I'm making a new series and this is the prologue.
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